About Us » Value, Vision, Mission Statements

Value, Vision, Mission Statements


“Developing Successful Learners and Responsible Citizens.”
Success in learning for all students must continue to receive high priority.  It also means that the development of our students as quality members of society must receive additional priority.
Milestone School is a community of learning implementing this mission statement.  Schools work best when they function as learning communities where all members of the team – teachers, support staff, administrators, caretakers and bus drivers – work in co-operation with the Division Board and the local School Community Council, and the community at large to accomplish common goals.  It is only through this process that respect will be the accepted standard of performance among students in our schools.
It is the parents’ overall responsibility to teach their children the skills and values necessary for success in the world at large.  It is the school’s responsibility to teach students to be respectful and responsible in school.  While these two responsibilities are separate responsibilities, they are linked.  The overall outcome is best when one reinforces the other.  Every set of parents will likely have a somewhat different set of values than another set of parents.  What is common, or should be common to the value systems of all parents and the school system is respect: respect for others and respect for themselves.  The key to building school discipline is to understand that discipline isn’t what you do when children misbehave; it’s what you do so they won’t.

VISION STATEMENT “A Community of Learning”

We envision a school as a community of learning where...
  1. There is mutual respect, honesty, responsibility, and cooperation among the school community.
  2. The environment is a safe, caring, secure and inviting place which promotes student learning.
  3. Curriculum and instruction match the needs of all students so they may achieve success in learning.
  4. Students are equipped with skills and work ethic which enables them to apply their learning in meaningful context as life long learners.
  5. All students have an opportunity to become involved in school activities and their accomplishments are validated and celebrated.
  6. All students are equipped with skills that will allow them to make informed decisions about their community and society that are consistent with the principles of democracy and justice.

Milestone Values